Friday, April 13, 2012

Momaholic By Dena Higley

book about women for women, particularly those who `hover'-- parents who constantly seek to be perfect mothers and people.
Dena Higley hovered over her family until the day her world bushwhacked her and she fell apart. Through an unexpected major glitch in dreams for her oldest daughter she slowly recognized her need to control everyone and everything. She slowly gave up always rescuing her family-- and let them develop the character God intended for them.
Higley writes with a lively, compelling style and unrelenting honesty. Her story begins with her trip to the Emergency Room from an overdose of vodka. Then she explains the difficult lives her children deal with. This author's family problems will awe you. Many of us could fall apart from less.
After her dramatic first chapter Higley tells readers what is truly wonderful about her children and husband. She explains the symptoms of helicopter monism, to help other parents escape similarities. She began finding answers to her destructive behavior when she accepted her need for help.
Throughout the book we hear a talented growing human who discovers how to enjoy life. Grand-parents as well as parents can benefit from this absorbing account of an imperfect, great family.

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